Hi, I’m Mónica

A entrepreneur, art lover, yogi and an unshakable optimist dedicated to helping you achieve your healthiest self,

so you can go out to the world and become the person you most want to be

 So nice to meet you! 

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1.  What to know more about me? 

A entrepreneur, art lover, yogi and an unshakable optimist dedicated to helping you achieve your healthiest self, so you can go out to the world and become the person you most wanted to be. If you are curious about my background and passion, get the fool scoop on my about me page.

I love travel, roller-coaster and cooking. I am passionate about helping the next generation make better food choices, I’m dog mama to Sienna and proud wife to Boris


1.  Looking to change your wellness journey? 

Our personalized programs is guaranteed to make you healthier, radiant and younger. Ok, not younger. But definitely feeling youthful. No matter how far along we are on a path for optima wellness, many of us can benefit greatly from more guidance. Working with a coach is a powerful experience.

 The one-on-one nature of coaching allows for remarkable transformations often in short periods of time. A coach provides guidance and support so that you can experience shifts that stick.

 Get in touch and try out a free 20 minute health consultation…


3. Don’t just take my word for it

The Internet has allowed me to reach people around the world.  I hold that as an extraordinary honor.  I’m amazed and moved by people tell me that this work has sparked and sustained a profound and meaningful change in their life.  Our work opens people up to a  new state of wellbeing and it inspired them to take action in long held dreams.  Are you curious about what past patients have said about? Find stories here.